
本周阅读了KEN MAZAIKA写的一篇文章《The Key to Accelerating Your Skills While You Learn to Code》1。主要讲解了如何快速学习编程,我们既要学习领域知识,也要学习过程知识。还有一点就是编程心态

  • 跟着手册学习或者练习阶段;
  • 心态练习阶段,解决具体问题;
  • 跳出舒适区

Tutorial phase(练习阶段)


  • Learn domain-specific knowledge.
  • Learn how to do specific task.

Building right mentality phase(构建心态阶段)

  • Understand that this is a difficult process and go easy on yourself.
  • If you’re struggling with self-confidence, know that what you’re feeling is completely normal. Keep working.

Expanding skills(扩展阶段)

Rather than trying to pull coding projects into your comfort zone, you should be seeking out problems that are outside your current skill set.

Web development’s two inflection points(Web应用两个关键点)


  • mastering CRUD:熟练的编写与数据库操作相关的web应用;
  • 算法
    • Write sorting algorithms
    • Implement and reverse linked lists
    • Understand and write programs leveraging stacks, queues, and trees
    • Write computer programs using recursive or iterative solutions


  • Don’t sweat the stack.

When you’re learning how to program, your singular goal should be to find the inflection point and annihilate it. Once you do, learning that new, sexy fad won’t be a difficult task at all.


  • Become self-reliant.

  • Programming is a life-long learning experience.


  1. 1.http://blog.thefirehoseproject.com/posts/learn-to-code-and-be-self-reliant/