Review - A Better, Easier Way to Journal
- Thank:具体到事件,不要泛泛而谈。目的就是为了让自己生活充满希望和感恩之心
- Learn:不仅学习书本上知识,还要从每个人身边去学习,去发现;
- Connect:连接以前学习的知识;连接所接触的人。
TLC 法则
What are you thankful about today? Be specific.
So talk about some event that happened to you today that you are grateful about.
There’s no escape from the things to be thankful for in your life each day. Make the effort to seek them out, think about them, and express a brief thanks. It will make your daily experience that much richer.
What did you learn today? You learn something every day, especially if you interact with other people.
you can learn something from everybody you meet each day, and if you don’t think so, you’re not trying.
What things did you connect? In other words, what concepts did you make an analogy between or otherwise find an intellectual string tying one to the other?
Learning is all about connecting things in your mind. Take new information, and tie it in to well-worn knowledge. Find similarities and patterns.
With whom did you connect? What conversations did you have, what were they about? What was the takeaway from each? What is that person excited about? What can you talk with them about in the future? What could you work on with them?
Author: cloudfeng
License: 知识共享署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议